Easy as 1,2…3?

According to my running app, Run Keeper, I have completed 8% of my fitness goal with just a freckle and a hair over 3 miles. I’m a bad asian stereotype. I suck at math and not like Calculus bad…but bad in the sense that fractions are my nemesis because I can never figure out how to count them on my fingers. But I did take karate once.

After running a measly 3 miles, I couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed. Not only did I look and feel like a ginormous “truffle shuffle” but I felt an overwhelming guilt over picking such a wimpy goal.

“I’m storing up for the winter…”
source: totalfilm.tumblr.com

Maybe it was my tiger cub upbringing. I found I was constantly comparing my runs to my family, my friends, and even my old self. I marveled that I could run a mile a whole 2 minutes faster X years ago. My pace was awful, my form–abysmal (I run like a really, really, gay, sweaty Velociraptor). I had to go all zen and remind myself that I was doing this selfishly selfless act for myself…and the AIDS Support Network of SLO. The opinions of others are no more than what they appear to be. Worrying about them wasn’t going to get my 50/50 run challenge complete. I had to suck it up and put on my big boy short shorts and run out the door.

"It's all in the wrist...hey gurl, HEYYYYY!"

“It’s all in the wrist…hey gurl, HEYYYYY!”
source: http://landbeforetime.wikia.com

As soon as I cleared my mind I was able to actually enjoy the run. I know, I actually enjoyed it, no fooling! In high school my favorite part of cross country practice was stopping for ice cream at Foster’s Freeze before fart/running back. Recently I have discovered running is more mental than physical, if you don’t have the mental determination to continue, neither will your legs. It  makes sense because your brain is your command center pushing buttons, pulling levers, and whatever else that it takes to make your body move (science is basically math, therefore, I am less than proficient in it as well). Long story short: its a mind game, your brain is a trap, telling you that you can’t do it or you should just stop because it would feel better. But you have to outsmart yourself and say, “No brain–not today. I put on my big boy/girl short shorts.” Also, stopping for ice cream doesn’t hurt either, as long as nobody is running down wind.

"Running. God, Karen, you're so stupid!" source:ruinedchildhood.com

“Running. God, Karen, you’re so stupid!”

Here are some current stats…Compliments of Run Keeper.

"Mmmm...Donuts" Fun fact: SLO Donut Co. is open 24/7 and has free wifi

Fun fact: SLO Donut Co. is open 24/7 and has free wifi (click image for link)"Was that hill really that short?! It felt like death forever and always...."“Was that hill really that short?! It felt like death forever and always….”

Day 1: Mental note, NEVER EAT PIZZA AND DRINK BEER BEFORE A RUN. On Friday’s my office closes at 3 pm, so I had the chance to enjoy the remnants of a beautiful 75 degree afternoon. Those pre-run snacks had me huffing and puffing like the Little Engine that Shouldn’t (have carbo-loaded on Rolling Rock). My excuse? It was 5 o’clock somewhere and I needed liquid encouragement.

"Fun Fact: Every time your foot strikes the ground while running it  is pummeled with the force of on average 2-3 times your weight."

“Fun Fact: Every time your foot strikes the ground while running your knee is pummeled with the force of on average 2-3 times your weight.”"New time to beat, 7 min 33 sec."“New time to beat, 7 min 33 sec.”

DAY 2: It was hard getting out there. I had a long list of shows waiting on my Netflix queue. Also, The Legend of Korra Book: 2 premiered that night at 7 pm, but without cable I would have to glom onto someone who forked over the cash for Nickelodeon. Sadly, I chose to run, but my determination to watch Korra kick some serious booty translated into Avatar-like powers which helped me break my depressing 8 min+ first run. PS, it was amazing, you should watch it.

"Bon Temps pronounced 'BAhn TAhms' No vampires here, just good times.

Bon Temps pronounced ‘BAhn TAhms’ No vampires here, just good times. (Click image for link)"Hi, I'm here to pick up takeout for Derek. PS, sorry you might need a mop to clean up my sweat...."“Hi, I’m here to pick up takeout for Derek. PS, sorry you might need a mop to clean up all the sweat….”

Day 3: Once again, the easiest way to get running was the promise of sweet sweet food. I called in a takeout order to Bon Temps and told them to have it ready for me in 15 mins. I mapped out a 1 mile course with some time to cool down before picking up my takeout. Next time I’ll schedule extra cool down so my sweat puddles don’t become a fire hazard or a LifeAlert commercial.

"Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"

“Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”

All in all, I am optimistic, I think that this is going to be a great opportunity to go all Roger Bannister on this mile challenge. Well, maybe not THAT crazy, but I am definitely excited to push myself and see what this old thing can do. Don’t forget to support my cause by donating here! 3 Runs down, and only 47 left until the big day. Catch you later 🙂

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