
This blog is dedicated to all things San Luis Obispo (“SLO” pronounced ‘slow’). I have always shared a special connection to this county. Almost every stage of my life has involved this town in some way and this blog is a means to memorialize and reflect on my journey so far.

Also, since you are actually reading this, I can only assume that you are a loved one or friend that has been coerced into doing so. For that, thank you. In my humble 24 years I have met some incredible people and seen some amazing things. This blog will attempt to merge my love of non-profits/community advocacy and “the little things” in SLO, which make my life meaningful and rich (obviously not financially, I’m a public servant emphasis on the servant).

In the off chance that you are a stranger, or an automated spambot, welcome to my home! If you have any questions, inquiries, or sales on Louis Vuitton whatever, please leave a comment and I will do my best to reply.

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